educational test

美 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl test]英 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl test]
  • 网络有时也被称为教育测验;有时也被称为教育测试;教育测验
educational testeducational test
  1. Research of adjusting physical educational test items for physical education subject enrolling students in Tianjin


  2. Item bank is making a substantial impact on educational test development . It prompts large-scale , standard and scientific tests .


  3. Objective To study the mental heath of relaxation therapy on the students who are to join the middle educational qualification test , to provide the interventional measures to improve mental health of the students and relieve their anxiety before the test .


  4. A System of Educational Survey for Test Question , Paper and Grade


  5. In the course of teaching in various educational institutions , test is an important link , because its quality directly decides the result of teaching .


  6. Finally the educational administration system were test and analyzed .


  7. Open System Based on FPGA for the Educational CPU Design and Test


  8. The investment of educational fund in the test area should be secured , the condition of running schools should be improved ;


  9. We shall start educational improvement with changing test education into quality education that we set out with changing educational attitudes and constructing a new condition .


  10. Conformity educational interfering of the test mental quality can significantly improve the test anxiety of middle school student , solve test mental problem , promote test mental quality , enhance the ability of taking an examination .


  11. It is the concretion of instrumental reason in education , which is characterized by : treating test as the educational end , and all educational means serve test ;
